1. Increase your overall knowlege of the college recruiting process. Learn how to maximize your opportunity to play in college
sports and have the opportunity to receive aa athletic scholarship and how to develop your strategy for evaluating colleges and
Choosing The Right College for YOU !
2. Learn the strategies to take to get recruited in a step-by-step blueprint on how to get the attention of college coaches by
Marketing Yourself and by Gain Exposure to College Coaches.
3. Develop YOUR personalized "Game Plan" to getting recruited for college sports by implementing the Get Recruited 101 Goal
Setting program and developing a systematic approach to achieve your goals.
4. Learn the strategies on how create an organized, detailed approach for choosing your college by improving your organizational skills. Follow an easy Step-by-Step Checklist Plan of Action for 9th Grade, 10th Grade, 11th Grade, and 12th Grade.and record your progress by keeping Charts.
5. Learn why the Get Recruited 101 System is More Effective than High-Priced "Recruiting Services".
6. Learn how to do ALL the things necessary to increase your chances of getting on the College Recruiting lists.
7. Learn how to find the best colleges for YOUR academic and athletic interests by conducting YOUR "College Search".
8. Learn how to make the initial contact with the college coach, how to make follow-up contacts, and what information to send to the colleges.
9. Learn how to create your Highlight Video FREE and make copies for just the cost of a blank DVD. The "Recruiting Services"
will want to charge HUNDREDS of dollars to create this video for you. Learn what to include on the highlight video.
10. Learn the importance of attending Summer Sports Camps, Campus Visits and the Questions for You to Ask on Your
Campus Visits